Taylor Swift Thanks Dave Portnoy for Attending Her Show & Being ‘So Supportive’ in Sweet Note

Dave Portnoy is getting his flowers for being a longtime Swiftie!

The Barstool Sports owner took to social media over the weekend to reveal that he attended night two of Taylor Swifts Eras Tour in Miami, Florida, and he called the show “spectacular.” However, he revealed that he saw a viral video recently of a girl “trashing him,” saying that he’s a “fake Swiftie” and that “Taylor’s camp hates” him.

“It should have been a celebration and this girl is raining on my parade being like, ‘They don’t like you’ this and that,” he continued, before adding the video he’s referencing into his clip. However, to rebuke claims that he’s a fake fan and that Swift “hates” him, Portnoy showed off a letter he received from Swift herself that was handed to him by the superstar’s brother, Austin.

The letter, signed by Swift, reads, “Dave, I’m so happy to have you at the show tonight! I wanted to say thank you for always being so supportive, so loyal and always having my back when a lot of people didn’t. I hope you have a blast tonight!”

Portnoy continued, “That should have been the highlight right? When Taylor gave me this handwritten note. Or maybe when her mother Andrea came over and Austin’s like, ‘Hey, my mom wants to meet you,’ and we had a real hug. Almost teary, like a real hug. [She said], ‘Obviously, we’ve been following you for years and you sort of get the nuances because people have made s— up about you, and we appreciate the support.’”

“Who are you to gatekeep Swifties?” Portnoy noted of the original video that upset him.

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